For read-aloud recommendations for preschoolers, check out Russell's Book Basket.
For read-aloud recommendations for older kids, get Resuscitated.
For read-aloud recommendations chosen for the classroom, you're invited to The Chapman Awards.
For special storytime programs and fundraisers, come Raise a Reader.
For wonderful ideas for introducing and sharing poetry, stop by Poetry Presentations.
For books for future authors and illustrators, check outCreative Kids.
For brand new book recommendations, hit Don't Miss!
For not-so-oldies-but-very-goodies, build your collection at The Don't Miss Archives.
Titles are picture books aimed at kindergarten through third grade, unless otherwise specified. Look them over to determine how well they suit the ability of your child or group. Some titles are included even if they are recently out of print, because they are still readily available at public libraries.
So print up these lists for personal use with confidence! If you want to see the book covers or professional reviews, open the search window and browse. Don't forget to e-mail me with your success stories and suggestions, or requests for other themes.