Great All-American Children's Books

Here are some patriotic plums that go far to celebrate some of America's historical foundations and principles. These are also excellent gifts for young friends overseas who want to learn more about our country. Click on links or images for reviews and further information!

Red, White, Blue and Uncle Who? The Stories Behind Some of America's Patriotic Symbols
by Teresa Bateman

God Bless America
by Irving Berlin (comes with a CD recording by Barbara Streisand!)

America Is
by Louise Borden

We The Kids: The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States
illustrated by David Catrow

From Sea to Shining Sea: A Treasury of American Folklore and Folk Songs
compiled by Amy L. Cohn

The Fourth of July Story
by Alice Dagliesh (an olide but goodie)

This Land is Your Land
by Woody Guthrie (illustrated by Kathy Jakobsen, comes with a CD recording by Woody and Arlo Guthrie!)

My America: A Poetry Atlas
Hand in Hand: An American History Through Poetry
by Lee Bennett Hopkins

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (the version illustrated by Christopher Bing is spectacular!)

by Allan Drummond

The United States of America: A State-by- State Guide
by Millie Miller and Cindi Nelson (great for road trips, too!)

The Flag We Love
by Pam Munoz Ryan

Purple Mountain Majesties: The Story of Katherine Lee Bates and "America the Beautiful"
by Barbara Younger

The Declaration of Independence
illustrated by Sam Fink

Fireboat: The Heroic Adventures of the John J. Harvey
by Maira Kalman (includes references to 9/11)

all by Lynn Curlee

The Signers: The 56 Stories Behind the Declaration of Independence
by Dennis Brindell Fradin

I Pledge Allegiance
by Michael Sampson and Bill Martin, Jr.

Uncle Sam and Old Glory: Symbols of America
by Delno and JeanWest

The President and Mom's Apple Pie
by Michael Garland

The Buck Stops Here: The Presidents of the United States
by Alice Provensen

The Bald Eagle: Endangered No More
by Mac Priebe

Lily and Miss Liberty
by Carla Stevens

So You Want to Be President?
by Judith St. George

Read Aloud and Do America Proud!

It is clear now more than ever that our children are going to need the critical thinking skills, information, tolerance and empathy fostered by literacy. Daily read-aloud also fulfills an emotional need of your child, to be close and to feel safe, and to have the chance to discuss things that may be on your child's mind. In stories, children can see conflicts resolved and be reassured that even the biggest fear or foe can be overcome through love, contemplation and bravery. Through reading, children can also find comfort and escape. The best new children's literature is available at bookstores, libraries and here on-line. We are very fortunate in this country to have these resources so readily available for our children. Take advantage and take heart!

--Esme Raji Codell, site director

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